Who We Are

Beehive School is an Educational institution that offers a Hybrid of Montessori Education and the National Education System. We serve the Ghanaian Community and educate students from the Early Childhood (Crèche through to Kindergarten), Primary School and the Junior High School.

Our solid Montessori Education in the Early Childhood promotes early reading and numeracy competence in our students that enables them excel in their academic journey

In our Primary School, a few innovations have been added to the subjects’ content to meet the school’s standard and dynamic global trends. The curriculum has been designed so as to have an accelerated system whereby children actually do a year’s work ahead.

Our school is founded on firm Christian values. However, we respect other religions and beliefs and do not require students to be Christians to attend our institution. We make it a point to encourage all students and staff members to recognize and be tolerant of each other’s views, religious beliefs, and practices. We aim to build a community that promotes tolerance, respect, integrity, discipline, and service in all they do.